1001-1800 Vitalist Secondary Zodiacal Man. Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, 1413 Wood engraving of witches brewing a potion, circa 1500. Women warriors preparing to take a ship, from On Viking Expeditions of High-Born Maidens. 1555 Woman teaching her daughter with a runestaff, man teaching his son. From Olaus Magnus, History of the Northern Peoples, 1555. These woodcuts contain some important early images of Sámi people Sami Indigenous Peoples of Norway, circa 1900 Hupa Female Shaman, photograph by Edward S. Curtis, c. 1923 Mapuche medicine women treating a patient, Chile, early 20th century Wound Man medical miscellany (‘Wellcome Apocalypse’), Germany 1420 (London, Wellcome Library, MS.49, fol. 35r) 2 Man-Woman – Hermaphrodite. The union of male and female symbolizes respectively, the earthly and the spiritual. It is the professed aim of alchemy.15th century diagram. The 4 Humors The Macrocosm and the Microcosm Robert Fludd (1574-1637) – The Trinity and the Generation of the Four Elements Khunrath’s Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae (1595) The Spirit of Sulphur – Engraving from Leonhard Thurneisser zum Thurn, Quinta essentia … und Alchemia. 1570 J.D. Mylius — 1622 Multiplicatio The Entire Earthly, Natural, and Dark Man, 1723, bookplate, Johann Georg Gichtel, Theosophia Practica (Practical Theosophy) Symbolic alchemical watercolour drawingsCredit: Wellcome Library, London. 1725 The Company of Undertakers (w Sarah Mapp) 1736